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I brought here, back in 2022, kits for growing (you know, a small flower pot, soil and seeds) two plants - mint and melissa

but then it turned out that they didn't like the local climate

in general, they lasted two years
now I've cut everything to dry; they were already in a semi-dried state anyway

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melissa♡'s profile picture

cool names for your plants. sorry they didn't make it

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yeah (':

by Paincake; ; Report

i cant keep plants alive to save my life. i always forget to water them. im better off with fake plants hah

by melissa♡; ; Report

pfft-- it's about my parents
one day I entrusted them with my plants, when I went to stay with my brother for a couple of months and in the end they all withered

I was very... surprised, when I saw a yellow and flimsy cactus, out of everything possible

by Paincake; ; Report


Arda.x's profile picture

Sorry to hear that
but hey its an opportunity to grow different species

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yeah, you're right
soon I'm going to buy seeds of those plants that are suitable for the local climate

by Paincake; ; Report