Being fat in alternative fashion

I'm fat and always have been(tho I've been losing weight ). I also love alternative fashion and have been in parts of a lot of scenes for a long time but I've always felt out of place. I feel as tho people are not as accepting to bigger people but also it's a personal feeling of not being good enough. I can not wear the skin tight jeans all the emo boys you see can. I can't wear a lot of things most people can because not only is it hard to find things that fit me correctly (tho it's easier with diy) but I feel genuinely uncomfortable and feel like I do not look the way I want/should look like. Since this has started I've been not dressing the way I want and have basically turned into Adam Sandler but I'm working on getting back into my groove and me happy with myself again. I'm not alone in this feeling unfortunately so I'd love for others to share their experiences and maybe some advice of how they worked though it

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Jyjo's profile picture

I became anorexic :/

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I'm sorry you had that experience people really do not think about that stuff when they comment on people's bodies and what commenting negatively on your own body can do. I got bigger because of binge eating disorder and ik how much pain it can be to have to deal with stuff like that. Hopefully you have a good recovery there is always better ways to better yourself🩷

by Erix; ; Report


muskog's profile picture

remember: alternative fashion isnt about fitting in, its about being different and being proud of standing out. dont let anyone tell you you arent doing it 'the right way' because there is no right way.

also skinny jeans are NOT worth it, they gave me fucking sciatica as a teen. theyre uncomfortable to wear even if youre skinny, and they dont even look /that/ good imo.
wear what makes you feel comfortable (physically and in terms of self-expression) and stop worrying what others think, because its none of their business x

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Thank you so much I'll think to keep that in mind. Also honestly you're right about the skinny jeans it was the only real example of smth that's very common in emo fashion haha

by Erix; ; Report