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Category: Friends

Why I keep my friends list small

Heyo. This is definitely a little more sentimental than what I typically write about (I certainly have some cooler blog ideas in the backlog dw) but today I wanted to write about why I keep my friends list small and the contexts surrounding friends lists.

Keeping My Friends List Small

Reduces clutter.

Having a small friends list means less noise, dead profiles, people that don't interact much, etc. It keeps a sound and peaceful balance that has other effects I'll discuss here in a bit.

Acts as a filtering method.

As long as someone friending me has common interests and a reasonable friend count I typically accept. However, more often than not, this leads to having either inactive people or people I can't really relate to on my friends list. I don't blame them, of course. I simply take matters into my own hands by unfriending them at some point. This "purging" if you want to call it that has the bonus of persisting people on your list that you truly enjoy interacting with, and (hopefully) vice versa.

Close Bonds.

Remember the other effects I mentioned earlier? One of these is a closer connection to the people on your list. I read every single bulletin, check several of my friends' profiles regularly (especially if they're fond of cooking up cool blogs) and try to interact as much as I can.

The Context Of Friends Lists

Different people are going to treat their friends list differently. Some people are going to build as large a friends list as possible to build a following, others (like me) are going to maintain a smaller group to keep interactions more meaningful and maintain ties with people they truly want to. To be honest, whether you have 10 or 1000 friends I really don't care (some of those latter people though need to chill out with FR spam.. I got 2 in an hour from the same dude lmao) but it's worthy to keep in mind how you view your friends list and the meaning this perception holds, especially for the people that look at you.


I want to remind you that this isn't an argument to go purge your friends list or try to keep it at a certain number. More than anything, this is me spilling my guts and opinions. If you disagree with literally everything said here that's okay, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. However, sometimes, maintaining a smaller group is like stopping and smelling the flowers. Thanks for reading.

17 Kudos


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mary4's profile picture

psst i use Debian GNU/Linux! im interested in being friends!
i am a computer guru xD

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oh hello! Yeah I got your FR as you saw :3 Debian is great.. I daily drove it for a few months, really nice and stable :3

by Rainy; ; Report

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’› thanks ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

by mary4; ; Report


calvin's profile picture

yeah true I enjoy having my own friends and space too

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Skye's profile picture

as someone who constantly worries about how many friends i have(not to the point of spam requesting, but just goin through the new people section for too long), i think im gonna try this. thanks!

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เญจเญง ๊’ฐ Yuuko ๊’ฑ .แŸ

เญจเญง ๊’ฐ Yuuko ๊’ฑ .แŸ's profile picture

I only like to friend ppl if we at least have 1 thing in common, I really wanna have long term friendships

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Charbomber's profile picture

What I try to do is anytime I get a friend request I'm not too sure about I send that person an IM right away and then see if they respond. If they don't, I just remove them.

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I was always under the impression you could only IM friends (I think it's a privacy setting but I thought it was the default). Today I learned

by Rainy; ; Report

Well I meant is that I friend them first then IM them then wait for a response, and if I don't get a timely response I immediately unfriend them.

by Charbomber; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

A good trick I've learned over time that I think is worth sharing is leaving people who are inactive a goodbye message that tells them to add you back if they do return to spacehey. I've had a few people take a break and then come back and it makes it a lot easier for them to understand why you unfriended them in their absence.

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narc !

narc !'s profile picture

this is so real lol

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