# EVELYNE ♡'s profile picture

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Category: Writing and Poetry

entries in space, general life classifications, 507

perfect decapitation: a phenomena in which a specimen is cleanly decapitated in one swing, with no jagged flesh or obvious struggle being evident on the body

seraphilical possession: in which one’s body is overturned and becomes a vessel for an angel momentarily, most likely for a divine intervention or to manipulate prophecy

wood lust: the unexplainable urge to eat wood shavings carved off of wooden objects with one’s own teeth, common in neurodivergent children, preteens and teenagers

reverse rabbit-hole maneuver: a complex in which you wish to be a child only for the feeling of growing up too fast again

5:07 AM: a time where it is possible to fall through reality if you wiggle in your bed enough, but only for the minute. at 5:08, you return to your bed (click here for help)

the worm of time: an animal personification of a panic attack

nothing you say goes through my head: an expression that, at it's face value, means "my brain has melted", but can also have connotations with death and illness

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