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Category: SpaceHey

about me

hey guys! i've been a spacehey member in the past but forgot about it and recently decided to come back to it and make a new account. so...

my name is JT and i'm 17 years old and go by he/him pronouns. i'm neurodivergent and a big nerd. i'm really into old music (particularly 80's but i also love 60's, 70's, 50's, and even 20's and 30's). i'm big into jazz, classical/orchestral, post punk, new wave, and punk! i also love literature, especially classic/old literature including poetry. i'm nerdy about a lot of things but particular science (especially medical science) and music theory. i'm currently a band kid (i play alto sax) and will be joining an orchestra as a violist hopefully next year! besides saxophone and viola i play a bunch of other instruments including guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, and mandolin. i'm an aspiring vet tech and music journalist! i run a blog that you can find at the following link: blog link 

some of my favorite bands/artists are the dead milkmen, devo, talking heads, the velvet underground, omd, oingo boingo, dead kennedys, frank zappa, david bowie, cheap trick, joy division, new order, half japanese, suburban lawns, screeching weasel, john cale, big black, shellac, and many more! while i mostly listen to old music, i like a handful of modern stuff too. i like hyperpop, especially. if we have any similar interests, PLEASE talk to me!

anyways, i'm currently hyperfixated on lenny bruce and the dead milkmen (but especially lenny bruce). i plan on getting into that whole 50's/60's stand up comedy scene as well.

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