RoadMap's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Got this idea from Leo XX

online name: RoadMap

how old are you: (under 18)
zodiac sign: leo (July)
current location: ur moms house
eye color: grey/blue 
hair color: blonde 
height: 5'2" (5'5" in my shoes 😭)
your heritage: austrian
shoes you wore today: Doc Martins
your weakness: Birds (AHHHHH) 
your fear: Birds (Again)
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: No?
do you want to: yes
goal you would like to achieve this year: don't die
first thought when you wake up: AHHHH
best physical feature: hair
who is your bestest friend: L, R, V, H, A, J, C, W.
when is your bedtime: whenever I feel like it
your most cherished memory: eating green food in pre-school
pepsi or coke: Dr.Pepper
mc donalds or burgerking: BK HAVE IT UR WAY 

2 Kudos


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