i was in the middle of reading Banned Book Club since it was avaliable for free as part of my college account. and OF COURSE the INTERNET HAD TO BUFFER WHEN IT GOT TO A SERIOUS PART. im going to throw up im on page 116 i am just sitting here in anticipation PLEASE NOO@!! distressed. jihoon!!!!!!!! please! D:
also i made a LibraryThing account earlier today and was doing that for maybe an hour as i was reading the comic. nice website, runs kinda slow (maybe it's my internet) but it's like what Letterbox is probably like but with movies. and you get to customize your books by their covers and ibsn information and dimensions and stuff!
im gonna throw up though. jihoon.............................. :( oh guys i just checked back and it finally got to load. maybe i will cry later. i have a lab today. i feel sick. jihoon..
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god, i feel ya. when i was younger, i had to go to a place without internet connection. i was reading a book on my phone and, when the action started, the internet DIED and i couldnt read the red. i was so upset,,,, i only got to read the rest 2 weeks later, wheen i went home. glad to hear you got to finish it tho! have u ever read house of leaves? its a really big book but my friend said it was amazing
dauumn two weeks is a LONG time to just be left like that... idk about you but my brain gets super stuck on something when it wants to know what goes on next. by any chance, do you remember what book it was you were reading at the time :o?
and to answer your question:
ive never read House of Leaves but ive been seeing more n more people appreciate it lately! im down to check out an experimental epistolary horror
my spring break is starting in a couple days so i'll be able to see if they have copies at my local library B) i've read about people complaining about footnotes but i LOVE footnotes. oh my god footnotes are the best thing in the world + idc if it's all curt and academic or whatever
by animals; ; Report
unfortunately, i dont. i was 13 so maybe it was a manga? and yeah, that also happens to my brain! i remember trying to draw what happens next, writing, and even begging my mom to let me go home. i just kept thinking abt the book for two weeks non-stop
i hope you like it! ppl say that the book itself is an experience so im curious abt it! i wanted to buy the physical version but its really expensive and there isnt a brazilian version so id have to buy it in dollars(which would make it even more expensive). and i agree, footnotes r so interesting! ive also seen ppl get annoyed that u gotta turn the book around to read stuff(sometimes the text is upside down!) but i personally think thats the cool part!
by minesweepooper; ; Report
i was gonna ask if you could be able to find a copy on an online secondhand shop (like Thriftbooks, idk if that service is available in/for Brazil w/o using a proxy buyer) but then i checked the prices on some secondhand bookstores and like........ THEYRE STILL SO EXPENSIVE HELP!! they're pretty much selling for 'as new' prices (and some even higher for some reason??!)
like even Bookfinder just showed a bunch of overpriced Amazon listings. i think when you look stuff up on it for international purposes it automatically packs the shipping with the listing price but still.
yeah this ended on a bitter note but let's just hope your uni's library will have a copy!
also that's very very awesome... upside down footnotes. i wonder if that helps w making the readers feel like theyre losing their minds, haha
by animals; ; Report
just finished it sometime ago. very feel good ending. kinda got little spiels there towards the end (not that i'd get bored or that they were too long but felt like those things where people would be like 'Ermmm And Everybody Clapped lel') but it feels more like an educational/motivational book than something that wants to leave its readers feeling both horrible and hopeful about the future. plus it gave me some recommendations on what else to read so yay. i dont use a star rating system ever
the book is by Kim Hyun Sook! apparently it's a "fictionalized biographical" graphic novel. i didnt even know that was a genre :D so far i'd recommend!!! i think im going to throw up