Are any of you going to see End of Evangelion in theaters?

Regal's showing End of Evangelion in their theaters on March 17th and 20th, and I decided to spend some of my money to go see it on the 17th! I'll have to travel an hour to Orlando to get there though which sucks.
I just printed out my digital movie ticket so I can get in, and since I printed it on a full sized piece of paper it's just ever so slightly comically large. It cost about 20-ish dollars for 1 ticket and I plan on bringing my Rei plush with me and hopefully I can take some photos! If I can post photos somehow here I'll show you guys!

Have any of you heard about the showings? If so I wanna know if anyone else plans to go see it. Definitely one of the only things I've been looking forward to. Still debating if I'll applaud during the hospital scene because it's an opportunity almost too good to pass up.

And here's a test gif of embedding an image file through discord!


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xan ~ KH4OS K1TTEN

xan ~ KH4OS K1TTEN's profile picture

i rly wanna catch it but idk if ill be able to bc i have to go to my stupid duumb job >:(

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it's sunday on the 17th and wednesday on the 20th
the showing i'm going to in orlando happens at 4:00 PM so i dunno if you'll be able to go

by SomeUsername; ; Report

ya its the same days nationwide but the only showings are times im on shift sadly ,, tryna work it out w my manager tho

by xan ~ KH4OS K1TTEN; ; Report