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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Turning my life around mid 2024

Keurig's weird little rant about themself

kind of an optimistic vent?

This year, has been wildly rough or maybe just this part of the year.

School is starting to pick up in difficulty but I guess I should expect that as someone taking mostly advanced and honors classes and I should be able to handle it but the inhibitions of stress continue to plague my mind and perceptions of the true weight of these assignments. I have a great sleep schedule, averaging around 9-8 hours of sleep every night, although I did end up slacking on my fitness routine but I am going to start that back up again sometime.. Perhaps after I am done writing this blog. 

My company, the one I run myself as a highschool student,  has been a great experience but that has also been picking up in difficulty as I need to start marketing my product which truly isn't that hard but my procrastination makes it unfathomably excruciating. 

The beauty of writing things out is the fact that it gains a sense of clarity to my mind now that I am in the comfort of my computer in my house able to document my feelings on homework and school that the previously mentioned inhibitions of stress suddenly drift away with the realization of the true weight of my assignments not being as heavy as I once laid upon myself.

Either way, I need to distract my mind now that school is starting to pick up in difficulty with a hobby or sense of goals for the mid year and the upcoming summer.. Thinking of starting another company once I liquidate it and then pursue my true passions instead of marketing notebooks. I guess I could take up drawing? I just need to find time for it,. I don't get pleasure out of graffitiing my assignments nor do I want it to distract my studies but it's up there for hobbies to pursue.. I desperately need to start doing piano again, I used to do it for years around elementary till the end of 7th grade and then suddenly all my piano knowledge withers away.. Perhaps I should take up lessons again but I hated the structured feeling.. (Haha writing this out makes me motivated to practice piano at this very moment but I have a textbook outline to finish) 

((Stress in general has just been a killer to my mood and social life so im hoping a hobby would alleviate it..))

There's just so many things to do and so many responsibilities now that I am at this age that my ambitious younger self never realized till now that just hurts but I remain optimistic for the future and hope that my hobbies will flourish as long as I keep working at them and somehow balancing my school work at the same time...  

Just realized that it is NOT the middle of 2024 but it is March, I need to slow down LOL 

I dont know what to expect writing out my feelings onto a blog but I guess I just want to see if other people have hobbies or something that alleviates their stress in general or perhaps a routine they have in order to work on themselves while still keeping up with their academics. 


1 Kudos


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