because they uhh... well they uh... uhhhhh.... can i get a number 6? the one with the burger? yeah, i don't like him. i really don't. just, give me some time. i can deal with this. im going to kill the wasps. give me the suit. im going to a meeting. wish me luck? im gonna need it. now. give me the stapler. i need to staple this packet. its my homework. i need answers, can you give me them? i know its cheating, but i dont care. i never liked you anyway. i hate you. go die. kys. keep yourself safe. its really dangerous out here. you'll need some self defense. here, take a gun. we're going to the school. we need to get my homework in. dunno why they made me come here after hours. seriously, im not scheduled today. stop trying to get me to cover their shift. im at a funeral. my grandma died. the coffin smells. everyone is gagging. why does everyone think im nasty? oh yeah, thats why im called nasty jim
they call me "nasty jim"
4 Kudos
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