Cassie: Get to your true selves!
Paruko: Paruko!
Yoko: Yoko!
Kuku: Kuku!
Valeria: Valeria!
Cassie: Great job, Ladies! Now, lets roll… to base.
*at le base*
Cassie: Sooo… you guys got any ideas?
*long, dramatic pause*
Cassie: … Valeria?
Valeria: Uh… Uuuuhhhh…
*getting very nervous*
*Cassie looks at Paruko expectingpy, looking very mad.*
Paruko: Uhm… What about we…
Cassie: WHAT?!
*all other girls/darlings are quite nervous now.*
Paruko: Spy on evil sorceress Ayuri and Zassaki?
*Cassies mood slowly changes to a bright smile, and the overall tone lighens up.*
Cassie: That… That… That sounds great!
*end of le part 1. part 2 naoe.*
*Ayumi and Zassaki, at their own base.. a kindergarten.*
Both: Hee-Hee-Hee…
Ayumi: What shall we do now..?
*le Darlings look in slight shock.*
Valeria: Why is their base a kindergarten…
Zassaki: Ohohohoo… We’ll make a TRUE plan to steal the DarlingSugar Jam!
all darlings but paruko: *dramatic gasp*
Paruko: But haven’t they tried this before and failed?
all darling EXCEPT FOR PARUKO: yeah, but…
*le end*
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