Shroom🍉's profile picture

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Category: Life

I got this from Leo

Online Name: Shroom or Mushroom_Boy

Age: Official Teenager

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Libra Rising

Current Location: rapidly approaching yours

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Blue and Black

Hair Type: Idk it's too short to tell anything

Height: 5'7"

Heritage: Dad's Side: Italian, Mom's Side: German, Mostly Scottish.

Middle Name: Legal: Elizabeth, Preferred: Idk yet lol

Shoes Wearing: Platform Dr. Martens

Weakness: Emotions, my cat

Fears: The psych ward/mental hospital (fuck those places I did not get the help I needed)

Ridden Mechanical Bull: umm no

Goal To Achieve: Lose a shit ton of weight

First Thought of the Day: ugh fuck this alarm it keeps getting louder I hate this shit

Best Physical Feature: literally none

Bestest Friend: Ayla, Leo, Zoe, Cocaine, Ainsley, CassettesCartoons, Christelle, Mantis, Gham, 

Bedtime: Nonexistent

Most Cherished Memory: When my dada came home after his transplant. I woke up and walked into my parents bedroom bc I would always check for my dad and there he was and I was like "oh. my. GOD!! DAD!!" and I woke him up and basically woke everyone else up.

Most Feared/Hated Memory: Seeing my dad in a coma in the ICU, lying there with restraints on his arms and legs, needles everywhere, ventilator, the incessant beeping of machines, the bruises and cuts on his body from when they tried to get him on the stretcher in our house, the smell of sterilizer, everything that would haunt you about a hospital. And I just stood there looking at his lifeless body and wondering if he would ever wake up. One of the doctors came in to talk to my mom, and me being nosy I listened to the doctor say "we aren't sure if he's gonna make it." That still haunts me to this day.

Pepsi or Coke: Coke bc they have the lime coke lol

Single or Taken: Taken lol

0 Kudos


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ayla ☆

ayla ☆'s profile picture

chase this is why yoyr emo you play to many games your going to be with the gamers to much

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by ☆ Loser ☆; ; Report

she keeps saying this idk but i am not a gamer if i was id be a GAYmer

by Shroom🍉; ; Report

☆ Loser ☆

☆ Loser ☆'s profile picture


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by Shroom🍉; ; Report

i got logged out and lost the whole blog so nvm :(((

by ☆ Loser ☆; ; Report

Oh nos!! :(((

by Shroom🍉; ; Report


HAMILTON<3's profile picture

I thought I was ur bestie. :(

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You're my friend, just not like, my bestie srry

by Shroom🍉; ; Report