fer2l_kitt3n's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Life as it is

I have officially been out of the hospital for 3 weeks now!

It is hard to believe that a month and a half being in the mental ward would change a person so much. I have slowly started to love myself as i am. I have stopped trying to fit in the norms of our society. I have learned to embrace my quirks and i shaved my eyebrows off!! It feels liberating. My past 15yo self would deffinitelly scream at me but I don't care. Never thought that having no eyebrows would give a person so much euphoria. Not gonna lie, i truly like myself that way.

Also, i have started considering an online career. Maybe become a streamer. idk yet. Let's be honest, i would prefer a musical career but i have no creativity when it comes to writing my own songs. i would be happy to sing someone else's creations. I have thought about starting out with making covers of already existing songs but that's not my style. and because of that i feel torn. what should i do??

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Angel's profile picture

While I may not be sure what it is you should do now, I will say that as someone who also very recently got out of a mental hospital, letting yourself be free of society's expectations and cages is the most freeing thing you can do, and I am so glad to see another come to the same realization <3

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