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Category: Games

map update

started working on my doom map again after letting it rot on my computer for far too long, lookin good! i think there's kind of a performance thing going on that i need to sort out, but it could just be the settings i use with gzdoom, explosive barrels and reflective floors do NOT mix.

anyways, the theme will be a Casino that you need to infiltrate and clear out the demonic influence, i haven't really seen or found a map with a Casino/late night setting and i'd like to do one. so far the first big room has been made, there's poker tables and slot machines dotted around the place and then i want to get the player to explore out back, see whats upstairs in Casinos like these. some ideas i've got in mind would be private clubs, pools(?) maybe, very extravagant rich stuff certainly.

one more thing, the wad is built for the mod Hideous Destructor (of course), and i want to take advantage of its leaning capabilities, to do cool shit like turn a corner and clear a hallway with a shotgun, or something like that. i'd love to do some kind of big "final fight" maybe if you get to the top of the building, but i don't want to get too ambitious just yet, i've only got the first room done!

hope life treats you well, fellow reader.

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» Partly 曇った
Dan Mason ダン·メイソン; Miami Virtual

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