Some French students problems

So in France, undergraduate students (high schoolers or, like me, people at uni but passing the equivalent of the high school diploma) use a government's website called "Parcoursup", and we have until next Thursday (14/03) to select 1 to 10 "wishes" ; which are the degrees we would like to do.

Then we have some more weeks to finish the procedure for each wish (motivation letter, etc), and then we're accepted or not for each (if we have multiple acceptation, we choose).

BUT SOME STUDENTS, LIKE ME, DISCOVERED THIS at the last minute : for "selective" degrees, the motivation letters have to be already done for Thursday >.<

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Luna ☆

Luna ☆'s profile picture

Turns out it seems I misunderstood and that we actually have until April to finish omg

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Aitherios.'s profile picture

Déjà je suis surprise de voir un français ici :3 mais aussi attends COMMENT CA??? JETAIS PAS AU COURANT MOI

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On est quelques uns, faut juste les trouver xD

Et oui oui, pour les formations sélectives, faut faire la lettre de motivation pour pouvoir valider le vœu 🫠

by Luna ☆; ; Report

merci infiniment, je savais pas tu me sauves la vie du coup :'))

by Aitherios.; ; Report

J'ai découvert ça hier soir par hasard en plus D:

by Luna ☆; ; Report