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Category: Music

letters to an imaginary person: Music

I have realized that listen to music while doing something is like writing to an imaginary person. it might not make sense to some but for me it means that I am not alone in life and that the mundane feeling of being alive becomes exciting once I am listening to random music. 

Oh no Ive fallen victim of the radiohead enjoyer but at the same time washing dishes or smoking in lonely places are no longer just lonely places. 

I've gotten tired of reality ofcs I still wanna be part of it because I think its a normal thing, it just means that I'm okay and that I can just sit back in my porch while listening to midwest emo and drink beer next to my dog. I find it homey, and weirdly it makes my life less stressful,  I want to say that my porch has become my safe place, because I can just think and breathe evenly, even with how hectic everything is I find the cars' noise oddly comforting. 

My question to you if you'd like to answer is: What is the music u dedicate to ur imaginary person (safe place with human value in your eyes)

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Starvix's profile picture

To start, you have a beautiful way of thinking. I, personally, do not assign any human value to the things I enjoy, but the value I do assign typically falls upon that which makes me feel as if I am something more than I can be.

I enjoy that feeling.

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I totally understand that, and I'm glad that us humans have that option to perceive and yk choose what makes us happy. It makes living better :")

by Cybernetic.m3ss; ; Report


by Starvix; ; Report