Since I've been gone...

I'm glad to be back. I plan on keeping up with this a lot more now that I have a proper set-up for my computer. I can now type with so much more ease & good posture! 

So, what's new in my life? Where do I begin? Overall, it's all been very positive; these changes. I moved onto a beautiful piece of land with a pond, pool, & barn. Not too far from the backyard, we can see horses belonging to our neighbors. The horses love my dog. We also have chickens now. 10, to be exact. I love when it rains here. But meditating outside on a sunny day here is wonderful too. Especially when I have a hot drink. 

Haha, that's another thing that's new. I'm not a coffee hater anymore. Anyone who knows me knows that I used to be such a tea supremacist. How the turn tables. How do you like your coffee? I typically go 2-3 sugars, no cream. 

I've started up a new business that I believe will be a great entry way to build even more of my passion projects. I already have 3 craft shows scheduled! 

Recently, I've gotten into digital photo-collaging & designing graphics for stickers & other items. I'm very much an amateur, but it's still fun. Might be another good side-hustle in due time. Who knows? It would be great to get back into photography, though. This time, with a good ol' qaulity mac-daddy camera. 

I have found a new, stronger dedication to writing though. My biggest project will still take sweet time, but my poetry book could happen really soon. I can't even begin to imagine how surreal publishing something could feel. That's a high I'd love to get hooked on. But I bet the chase can be a pain sometimes, huh? 

My biggest update is probably the fact I'm in the process of converting to Catholicism. But I'm starting with being a better Christian in general. I won't blabber on about the personal journey that led me to that. Not here anyway. It's very long & personal. Maybe another time. But I will say this to whomever is reading; God is real & He is good. Jesus is Lord & He loves you very much, no matter who or what you are. As do I. I wish you well. 

I'm still with my boyfriend & have the same few friends, always open to making more. What's new in your life?  


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