huck finn review and thoughts

time for my 4th book review of 2024!!! so i had to read huck finn for school and honestly i actually liked it!! i give it a 4/5 tbh and i think it was a novel that took a stance ahead of its time, however, should still be subject to criticism just because of the vast amount of racist language in it thats essentially normalized. i think i liked the first part of it better than the last half just because the duke, king, and tom sawyer all pissed me off bad in their own different ways. however, it was pretty satisfying to watch huck grow as a person and question and reject racist societal norms that he was brought up to believe in. i think the bond between jim and huck is honestly so genuine and progresses further as huck unlearns the racist ideals he was brought up to believe in. but there was always still a lot of room for improvement, since huck doesn't fully unlearn everything by the end of the book. was getting sick of it at some points just because it was a book i had to read for school and thus had to read it for writing assignments, but it honestly wasnt too too bad! it was pretty entertaining to see all the different chaotic situations they got into and how huck kept having to lie out of necessity and it worked for the most part. not really one of my favorite books i read for school but it wasn't a snoozefest either.

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