jovi 🪼's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

✍🏼 about &. things ☻

jovi  she/her

📍 white
📍 cis (?)
📍 bisexual
📍 adult (+25)

♡ bi4bi (mostly)
♡ femme4butch (mostly)
♡ i have an amazing bf ♡


✿ i <3 you ✿

IMs are open to everyone but pls be normal (and 18+)

no dni but you should know

under 18 do not send me a friend request !

i <3 trans women! terfs &. "gender critical" or whatever stay away

^ similarly ppl who believe in transmisandry/transandrophobia stay tf away

i CANNOT read (most) typing quirks. they give me a headache, please type normal if youre talking directly to me

i might unfriend you after a period of a few weeks of inactivity, feel free to send another request when you log back in!! its a personal brain thing is all ^_^

♡ blm, free palestine, landback, fuck cops, a dead fascist stays quiet, etc !

i <3 the block button

(if i blocked you and you REALLY need to know why, check this)

5 Kudos


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