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RatGirls rules: My 10 girlyhotgirl rules that you should TOTALLY live by too!

As a total icon, it’s important that I share my hot girl wisdom. Here are my 10 rules to live by that you should totally be to! 


1: Hot is a mentality, not a look

You don’t need to look a certain way to be hot. Being hot is about knowing that you’re hot. You think you don’t look good in that dress? Then you probably won’t. But if you know you look 10/10 and strut into any room then you’re turning heads babe. 

2: Only invest your time in 10/10’s or rich guys

Listen, I get it, I’ve been there too. We’ve all given the “I swear he looks better in person” guys a chance because they’re nice… and then they’ve turned out to be a total dick. UGH!!!!! If you exclusively invest your time in 10/10’s and rich guys then you’re either gaining an ego boost or some expensive dates. 

3: Being sassy is cute, being a bitch is not.

Just don’t be mean please.

4: Always come prepared

Nobody likes to be caught off guard. Create a girlygirl survival kit and take it EVERYWHERE! Steamy makeout sesh ruined your lipgloss? That’s okay you’ve got a tube in your girlygirl survival kit. Iced coffee breath? It’s chill, you’ve got mints in your girlygirl survival kit!

5: Sometimes playing dumb is smart

Players are adaptable, if they know you’re smart then they’ll just make the game harder to win. Let them underestimate you so they make it easier to sus them out. 

6: Trust me, it’s not that cold

So you’re going on a date with a smoking hot guy but it’s cold? Who the hell is the weather to get between you and a cute outfit? Plus, his jacket looks better on you anyways ;)

7: Ask for what you want 

People invest in their assets. You want to be exclusive? You want to be taken on a romantic date? You want him to pay for your nails? There are limits to this logic, but his willingness to invest his time, emotions and money into you says a lot about how he values you. Remember you are an asset. 

8: Turn up to parties late

Yeah I get it, the early bird catches the worm. But you’re important and have more important things to do than wait around all day for a party. You’re not missing much if you’re late, it’s not a real party without you anyways. 

9: Embarrassment? What’s that?

Look, I know you wanted the ground to swallow you whole that one time when you spilled your drink all over yourself… But think about this, they’re either going to forget about it or you’re going to have free airtime in their head. 

10: Never EVER EVER wait for a text back!

Time is money, you're not cheap, babe.

15 Kudos


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