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Category: Games

List of games I've played "recently"

I'm just kind of writing this for fun but if it'll inspire you to try something new that'd be nice too. This list isn't in any order. Recently is in quotes because some of these I tried near the end of 2023.

1. Fashion Dreamer -
If you've heard of this game at all it's probably because of it's relation to the series Style Savvy being developed by the same developers Syn Sophia. I feel like if you go in expecting a Style Savvy experience you'll be a bit disappointed. This is kind of a purely dress up type game, there's not really much of a story and the customization is slightly more limited than Style Savvy's as there aren't any bags in this game. 

The main difference with this game is that you can actually play as a masculine style character (called Type B in-game) but unfortunately the fashion is a little limited compared to the feminine style characters (called Type A in-game). Though for this game they've been rolling out updates for new items and quality of life improvements so here's hoping they'll add some more cool stuff. 

Now you might've read all that and thought I dislike this game but tbh I've put over 90 hours into this game, it's the type of game that's good fun if you play it while doing other stuff like watching youtube or SpongeBob like I do lol. And if you're into making original characters it's fun to try and replicate your own even if for someone like with fantasy characters it's a lot harder. 

2. Knuckle Sandwich
I saw a mutual talking about it and drawing fanart and it intrigued me so I eventually bought it and played near the end of 2023. I wasn't even aware this was like a kickstarted game haha. Anyway about the game, it's a turn based RPG with Warioware inspired mechanics. An intriguing concept and it was mostly very fun but I played with the keyboard and by the end my fingers were all cramped from adapting to each new minigame style. So I'd recommend playing in smaller sessions. 

Besides that I really adored the aesthetic of this game, the music, the characters and the world it takes place in. I also like all the little secrets and achievements you can find, even having some that require you to play on a certain day and time. I don't really want to spoil anything about the story but Busdriver my favorite character... The story was neat, I know there's some people that weren't into it because it's a little different than what the prologue suggested which I understand but I ended up enjoying it anyway. 

3. Splatoon 3 Side Order -
I don't even know if this should count considering it's a DLC for a game that released a few years ago but the DLC was fun and I liked it. It couldn't really beat Octo Expansion in terms of story and excitement since with that whole DLC it offered a brand new type of playable character and this DLC was more of a nice experience for Off the Hook fans which I am very much a big fan. 

I don't actually have any more to say about this. It's fun in the same way as Fashion Dreamer for me in which I watched stuff while playing which made doing each run with a different weapon easier. Even with the weapons I hated using lol. Sorry I just don't like Splatling weapons. 

4. Family Guy the Quest for Stuff -
This game takes forever to load on my phone and I just assume because it's an old game meant to run on older phones because the town builder SpongeBob game was also like that, like they both crash constantly which sucks because you have to watch ads to speed stuff up and I've had several crash the game and waste my time. I just wanna see my favorite family guys walk around in a world of my control is that too much to ask?

5. The Stanley Parable Deluxe -
There are people who ship Stanley and the Narrator and that's kind of funny to me. If you've played the first one and liked it you'd probably like this one. I didn't actually beat it but I played a good amount of it and found it interesting. I don't really know what to say about this game, I've just always found the concept for this game interesting. 

6. Wobbledogs -
This game is weird in a good way, made me nostalgic for the Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure 2. Just that one because SA1's is less interesting to me. I like the islands of 2 more but I'm getting off topic. If you like virtual pets and enjoy breeding them to get different colors, traits and patterns you'd probably like this. In that way it's kind of different from chao since I don't think there's any mini-games to it. I only really got to play a few hours of this but it was fun.

I like that you can add other player's dogs into your game, although it'll definitely make it easier to unlock achievements or traits that way so maybe get a little into it more before doing so. It kind of feels chaotic especially if you have multiple dogs out like I was fighting for my life trying to get one dog to eat their food because the other dogs were bouncing around. I should play more of it but I've been drawing a lot more which eats away time from gaming and then by the end I just play more Fashion Dreamer. 

7. SoulSov (18+ warning) -
This one's a linear visual novel so if I said too much about it I'd kind of just be spoiling it, the characters are fun and I like where the story is going so far. As of writing only one part is out but it's good I liked it. I've been a longtime follower of ggdg's art, especially their webcomic Cucumber Quest so of course I tried this one out when I had the chance. Honestly I really enjoy a good visual novel from time to time like there was a time when I just played mostly those and tbh I got a lot more in my backlog hehe. 


I think that's it for now, maybe if I finally got around to playing some of my backlog I'd have more to talk about but I guess then I could write a part 2 maybe. Who knows! If you read this all I just have to say why? Was any of that interesting or fun? If it was thank you, and if it wasn't thank you because you still read it anyway. Thanks! 

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Tatsu0ni's profile picture

Fashion dreamer is too acurate on irl where the guys get less clothing choices lol

Knuckle sandwich was definitely my fav 2023 indie game, tho storywise could be better. As a bus driver the bus driver is me fr fr

Oh right Toby talked about SoulSov, he also made in collaboration with Gigi some soundtracks for it.

Do include a screenshots in the future blogs! Or images

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That's true, I think what makes it weirder in Fashion Dreamer's case is that they decided to remove gender and just refer to them by Type A & B so pre-release a lot of people assumed clothing would be gender neutral but in the end only hats, glasses and earrings can be shared between each body type.

Also another Knuckle Sandwich player yay! And yeah I'll try to do that for future blogs, I kind of get caught up in writing that I don't really think to add pictures. Thanks for the comment!

by JOVE; ; Report