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Category: Life

I'm having an identity crisis help O_O

so if you havent seen my profile clearly i go by they/them. But lately i dont feel like im genderfluid??? im kind of confused on who i am right now.. maybe i'm trans ftm? or just my regular fmale self. i need help. 

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mitty's profile picture

first commenter is 100% correct dude. as much as having a concrete label can be nice you dont need to deal with that messy shit if it doesnt work out. you are who you are and that doesnt need an explaination. identity is ultimately fluid and both ever-changing and difficult to contain and being queer or defying our restrictive gender binary is a celebration of that. it doesnt matter if you have a label, change that label tomorrow or decide theyre not for you entirely. the self is impermanent yknow.

okay granted this is a bit of a non-answer but good luck with your journey though, hope it ends well :-D

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They absolutely are, thank you for understanding and you're right! :D

by twogl00my; ; Report


deploygirlfriend's profile picture

gender is complicated and a very personal subject, so the best way to find out what you are is... well- by exploring yourself.

however, sometimes terms just don't... fit people. I mean, you could always explore xenogenders (but with so many genders comes a few bad ones... those can always be avoided though), or you could go without a label, just describe how YOU feel to people if they ask your gender.

personally, i don't use labels. whatever i am in the moment is- just who i am!

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this is really helpful for me tbh, thank you and i might take your advice!

by twogl00my; ; Report

this is really helpful for me tbh, thank you and i might take your advice!

by twogl00my; ; Report

this is really helpful for me tbh, thank you and i might take your advice!

by twogl00my; ; Report

this is really helpful for me tbh, thank you and i might take your advice!

by twogl00my; ; Report