WIEIAD; for tmr

so my schedual tmr; i have zero classes tmr n we have ppl coming over for dinnur n dessert so yeah

7;00 am breakie - half a Croisant which im prob gonna heat up in the oven, fig marmelade, cheese, fresh sliced fig ontop

drink; iced bluberry tea w frozen straberries and water ofc

8;30-9;30 am snack; while i clean my room- carrot and cucumber sticks

drink; water

11;00 am- 13;00 pm, go on a walk (around 1h-2h)

14;00 pm, lunch- omelette w vegan ch'ken + pak choi and sprouts on the side (omelette will be made with 1 egg, salt, pepper, salad leaves n yellow onion (chopped), the vegan chiken will also be stir-fried and put inside the omelette as if the omelette is a towel wrapped around it. the pak choi will be in a small plate on the side (the pak choi will be made using olive oil, chili oil, soya sauce, garlic, and ofcourse the pak choi maybe i will sprinkle seasame seeds ontop?), the sprouts will be on the side of the omelette blanket thingy (on the same plate)      -----                                                          i know lunch sounds big but ofc it isnt a american portion, its just lunch so its not huge ofc

Drink; water and coffee if needed?

chill? clean up? showe maybe

17;00 pm, start to cook dinnur (slowly

18;30 pm, dinner- summer rolls (rice papper, peanuts, red bell pepper, tofu? or maybe left overs of the vegan ch'cken, sprouts, salad (romiane, etc),  

- drink; water w ice probs

19;30-20;00 pm;dessert- lemon mouse cake, yum? 

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