# EVELYNE ♡'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

ACCOUNT WARNINGS and general explanation kind of things (subject to updates)


  1. I get incredibly spiritual or almost dangerously religious when in a bad mental state sometimes as a fall-save or a coping mechanism, my religion is complicated right now and I'm not sure who to trust but I do believe in a lot of misc. creatures and beings that influence my day-to-day life. Do not ask about my religion, I won't have solid answers. And that's okay. Most of what I'll waffle about will be ghosts and hauntings in my home, along with general delusion sort of things like hearing voices and demons in my home and other things. If that makes you uncomfortable, I apologize, and it may be better for you to unfriend me and/or block you.
  2. I have mood shifts often. This can make it harder to interact with me, and I'm sorry. They'll be worse right now as I am having complications with my depression medicine and my medicine for my concentration. Sometimes I'll type like an old Victorian poet, sometimes I'll type like now, sometimes I'll type like a true sparkledog. It's crazy and nonsensical and that's just part of me.
  3. I can be opinionated about things that are important to me, such as my identity, my current home life, my mental afflictions, etc. Please don't try and start arguments with me on purpose. I can also be very touchy about my special interest. Don't try and claim you love Pokemon more than me just to make me mad, I don't care if other autistics claim it though. We are allowed to all like Pokemon the most (giggle). I also don't like people bashing my favorite things. It can make me very upset and I may just block/unfriend you without a word. 
  4. I am festering with something I call "poet's rage", so sometimes I will ramble out word vomit in the style of a free-style poem or artform and it is mostly just because I am autistic and whenever I get big feelings, they spill out in the form of my biggest emotional outlet, which happens to be the arts.
  5. I often rant or vent in bulletins often. If any of you need a trigger warning for my vents, please let me know. I do have habits of oversharing as well, so sometimes they will get incredibly personal.
  6. I am an incredibly overwhelmed person as is, so if I don't respond to you right away, or if I sound frustrated or bland when I type, it is because I am either tired or nervous around you for whatever reason. I am so sorry about this, and I do truly love all my mutuals, sometimes I am just not able to express it through other emotions.
  7. Sometimes I may post about topics that are inherently "sexual" in nature, but to me if I do ever post about those things, I mean them in a softer and more muted way. I often use more mature themes as a metaphor for undying love or soft admiration in my works because of inspirations from Greek stories and mythos, as I am a lover of all human shapes and forms and believe bodies are something everyone should celebrate regardless of the shape, size, color, scarring, etc. I apologize if this triggers you too much, you may just want to unfriend/block me. Just know these are never meant in a lewd or sexual way, and more of a warm hug sort of way I am unable to convey through words.


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