stupid parents


this might sound selfish but my parents really annoy me sometime, they cancelled all of the plans (netflix, wifi, etc) and here is why: so it started when my sister went to her friends house and didn't come back until 1 am so my step mum turned my wifi off (witch wasn't my fault at all) then after that she had a friend sleep over on a school night and then they cancelled the wifi like what its not my fault my sister is so stupid! then after that my step mum turned the wifi back on but we still didn't have netflix BUT while the wifi was on my stupid sister downloaded too many movies and reached the wifi limits so then again THE WIFI WAS OFF AND IT WASNT MY FAULT, then we got wifi back on the 28th of febuary and my sister downloaded more movies and we are already at 100 gb used! none of this is my fault and I'm still suffering! my parents don't realise that i have homework to do! and also my dad said "you guys are spending too much time on the wifi and you're abusing the privilege" I LEGIT MADE A WHOLE PARAGRAPH ABOUT BEING ON PHONES TOO MUCH (in the "late night yapping" blog), THE ONLY REASON I GO ON MY PHONE IS BECAUSE I WANNA ASK MY FRIENDS TO GO OUT AND NONE OF THEM WANT TO SO THATS WHY IM ON MY PHONE ALSO I CANT MAKE PLANS WITH MY FRIENDS WITHOUT WIFI so now I'm posting this blog from school wifi 


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