tw!! civics project help!

tw ab suicide + depression , pls be serious for this


im a highschooler taking an extra course in civics , where u basically complete a major project for the last few months. its a project where u try to make some sort of impact on ur community overall with helping in anyway u can. 

my topic is about mental health and depression, specifically the topic of suicide. last year, a kid in my grade overdosed and killed himself, and ive genuinely have wanted to talk about prevention of suicide for a while for my project. 

for the project, i want input on what i could add to further my project, so if anyone has experiences or input of their own they'd be willing to share that would be awesome 🙏 if ur going through these problems urself, please know you aren't alone and there are millions of people struggling as well, and you should reach out for help if you or somebody you know is struggling.

thank you for reading!

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𝐻𝒜𝐼𝐿𝐸𝒴 𝒢𝐿𝒪𝒪𝑀𝐼𝐸's profile picture

In my early 20's during the pandemic, I got very severe depression to the point where I couldn't shower for days, couldn't get out of bed, or do simple things like clean my room. It was hell and I had no motivation whatsoever. Occasionally I would have the depression coupled with random nights where I didn't feel like sleeping/insomnia and impulse shopped a lot. Later on I found out that I have Bipolar 2. It's more common than you'd think, but it is SO much more subtle than Bipolar 1 or major depression.

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thank you so much for sharing, i hope the best for you!! and i hope the diagnosis helped as well, theres a lot of kids around my age going undiagnosed with this sort of thing a close friend of mine had thought she had depression but it was actually bipolar 2 but thank u for telling if you don't mind i will most likely add it to the research part :)

by nately♡; ; Report