'counter accounts' and the whole little drama thing

you must understand the people making *gore accounts* and *harassing people* are not going to respond to reason! there are not many mods on this site (I think there's literally like 3??? that's not a lot!), and mods have to also worry about all the spam accounts made in response to the gore accounts, making their job slower and harder than it needs to be, this is a hypothetical since I don't know how many people report the counter accounts but probably at least a few get reported.

I understand why people might make accounts to 'filter out the gore' and that was my first thought too. there are blogs/forums on site that I think mention removing the new users page from site using inspect tools or other methods. 

and some of the counter accounts are calling the gore spammers like slurs and stuff which can be kind of upsetting and i mean, do you think calling them anything or telling them to kill themselves is actually going to make them consider their actions??? it wont, and its a waste of your time and doesn't help anyone in the situation and no one should be responding to gore accounts blogs and giving them attention, it's literally what they want (besides harassing the poor kids)

if you're guilty of doing or thinking any of this i don't mind at all, i just want to share my thoughts on it. if you see the accounts report them immediately, i just put graphic content and harassment in my report description. it's the quickest solution and blocking doesn't do much for anyone but you, if you want to really help the situation, spread awareness but don't make accounts telling spammers to kill themselves or calling them slurs its not helping

sorry if I seem rude, i understand all this about kirah/axel/tcc conflict is morally a little complicated because the tcc is very morally questionable if not just bad, and i don't know these people personally and chances are you might not either, and sometimes the victims themselves do things you disagree with but, nobody deserves to be harassed the way that these gore spammers are doing, so I feel like care for these people shouldn't be revoked or nullified, people can grow and change, and there are some things that nobody deserves, so don't be like "oh well the victims of the harassment are bad too so whatever" because not everything is about your own morals and standards and people with different morals than you still deserve basic human respect, don't know why anyone would say that but I'm saying it

10 Kudos


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