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Category: Religion and Philosophy

πŸŒ™ Magical Origins I - The Very Beginning

In the Beginning, there was nothing. Only potential. This potential, the power of this Nothing, was Darkness.vwe call it "Primordial Darkness" or "True Darkness" for specificity. And Darkness was the Supreme force of the universe, ruling a lonely kingdom in perpetual solitude. Back in the time before even time existed.

But then, suddenly, like a flash. It all changed.

Call it what you want. The Big Bang, the Birth of God, a fluke of magic potential igniting. Suddenly, the universe was bright.

The light of Creation came into existence.

The Light of Creation prought with it a diversity of magic. As light is reflected through a prism, you begin to see colors. That is the true nature of all magic, you see. All colors on the spectrum of mana, originating from the light of Creation. To combat this, the Darkness of the before times spawned one school of magic. That is "antimagic" the counter to magic techniques.

From the light of creation, two great sorceresses emerged. Nyxus, who commanded the darkness, and Aurora who comanded the light. Their wishes infused the primortial energies with personality, and they became the guardians of this power. I can not speak on what happened to the light beings after this, but I will try to detail all I can about the Darkness.

Nyxus created vessels for the eternal Darkness to inhabit, and they lived thrice. the first, was the moon spirit Artemine. Nyxus believed she could contain the Darkness' power if it was held in a spirit of moonlight. She herself originally being a moon spirit, egotistically believed it was the only way. This ended in disaster however, when her the first Avatar of Darkness Artemine died tragically. Upon her death, a power so great was revealed, that it imploded upon istelf and became the "Dark World".

In this New world, Nyxus tried again. Nyxus created a beautiful kingdom for the new Avatar of Darkness to inhabit. It became known as the "Umber Empire", and the young Avatar of Darkness, Emperor Rania Glacinferis I was crowned it's ruler. They had a body expressly created to house the darkness this time, and lived surrounded by splendor. It should have been perfect this time... Nyxus thought. But she was wrong.

Evil found its way into the Empire. A curse of unknown origins infected the young monarch, cursing them to slowly go mad. They began to hurt all those who surrounded them, lashing out at friends and enemies alike. They subjugated and hurt their people, and the people of the realms they occupied. They were suspicious of everyone, and considered all their enemies.

A young Aphelion greeted the Emperor one day, with some plot to reduce the effect of the curse. However, it was too late, as the dark energy consumed Rania I, driving them fully mad. They killed almost all of their people, andΒ  almost killed Goddess Nyxus. Nyxus sacrificed her own physical form to stop their mindless rampage, killing the tyrant. This is how Dark forces got their evil yet intimidating reputation.

The Darkness has reincarnated once since then without Nyxus' assistance, using the outpuring of power upon their previous death. The powers that be decided they should reside on Earth, in the the least magical of the realms, Midguard. For everyone's safety. However, a mere human could not hold the power of Darkness. A Fair folk was chosen, a wind Sylph Prince of Avalon. Sent, with the Fae forged weapon, the "Avalon Hammer" (created to protect the grave of Arthur), Rania II was to begin their life in a human family. They have lived here ever since.

I am Rania Glacinferis II. Nice to meet you.

You who are curious about the true meaning of this world, you will see in my blogs the answers. Stay tuned for my next update!

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As always wise, Your Majesty. I kneel before your view, reflecting the truest picture of the world. ✭

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Thank you, Sir Seiheitai! You are very wise as well, and I always enjoy reading your works too. I'm glad I have someone to speak to about the universe's truths πŸ–€

by Rania; ; Report