L00TL00T's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey


lately there have been accounts with straight-up (uncensored) gore as pfps :/ 

such usually have biblical usernames (typically phrases such as 'jeremiah 29:11' or 'john 18-15-17' or names of biblical figures such as 'pontius pilate' or 'judas iscariot')

unsolicited gore can be very triggering to many (& minors especially should not be seeing graphic content like this) & such should not be the first thing anyone sees when they first open up spacehey

'what can i do about it?'

- best thing to do is to not give them any attention, just block & report any accs that u see; use the following links as these accs usually have the block/report buttons covered:

https://spacehey.com/block?id=[USER ID NUMBER GOES HERE]

https://spacehey.com/report?type=user&id=[USER ID NUMBER GOES HERE]

- stay away from the 'cool new people' page for the time being until this is resolved

- don't accept any friend requests from these accs, it is unknown if they are a hacker/doxxer alongside being a gorespammer

-if u are genuinely unable to handle what is happening feel free to leave the site &/or step away from the internet for the time being + seek any help that is needed

- take care of urself as always!!

this blog is not to give them the attention they desire but rather to spread awareness about how harmful this situation can be & what u can do to help keep ppl (especially minors) safe on spacehey

pls feel free to add anything, ask questions, etc. in the comments

2 Kudos


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