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Category: Blogging

Happy Birtday!! (spoiler - to me)

Birthday Girl!?

Happy birthday to me and to all the people who have a birthday on this date ^^.

Gifts!? (for now)

  • Before my birthday (It was meant for my birthday) i got gifted the book of Dracula by Bram Stroker with hard cover and everything (I wanted crime and punishment of the same editorial too, but money doesn't appear from thin air 😔)
  • Some things to write and draw
  • Cat post its!
  • Money!! >:)

I'm going to probably blog about the day i went out and got gifted the book later + two cakes i did (in another one) :p

Random things i would like to write/share!!

I'm planning (or at least thinking) about buying those glow in the dark stars, to self-gift them to me, i want to live my childhood again and have something entretaining to look at while thinking with music (sounds depressing as hell).

I'm currently struggling with my pc mouse, the motherfucker keeps scroling whenever it wants and it's stressing the shit out of me really bad. 

I originally planned on not celebrating my birthday, but got "forced" to celebrate it eitherway (like last year). Doesn't upset me too much, but i would have prefered something else ig, maybe writing now that i got out of my writersblock.

Silly thing related to my oc (that i love with my life): Her birthday is 09.09 

How to calculate it with my birthday for the laughs: (3 x 3) / 9 = 9/9 I don't like maths btw and study economic modality (no fucking idea if that's correct), in spanish: modalidad economica/contable. Funny part about it, I'm mostly planning on studing criminology in the future. 

Now Playing!!: LAMP - ゆめうつつ

Fun fact!! I have the same birthday as Qiqi (from genshin)

sorry if there are mistakes

Good morning - afternoon - night <3

3 Kudos


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