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fun facts and other things about my one true love: mr. patrick stump

things i love about patrick stump

  • he's a fucking stunning bear now but he literally looked amazing in every era
  • he has adhd and i relate to a lot of the things he talks about with that. he seems to hyperfixate on marine life :)

  • he used to be extremely shy and not talk on stage/want to see the crowd, hence him wearing his hat brim low or not wearing glasses. now he talks more, is excited to share his interests and isn't afraid to have fun on stage and that's really cool


  • he seems like a pretty genuine dude and a realist
  • he wears jerseys not because of sports, but because they have "bright colors", according to pete

  • he and pete's cryptophasia/soulmatism/songwriting process is not only so interesting but really cute and i wish i had a best friend i was attached to the hip with like that
  • he's not afraid to talk about his past problem with his anger issues, which is crazy to believe he had because he literally never showed them

  • speaking of he's always so polite and nice to fans/interviewers
  • obviously his voice is literally heaven sent, but also this man can play like a bajillion instruments. his solo album is only his own playing!
  • every time he's seen wearing a backpack, the little buckle that connects the straps is always connected on his chest and that's adorable sorry i am woobifying this grown ass man

  • judge me all you want but his bald spot is cute. his solar panel. cmere boy lemme slap that bald head. who said that

  • dude's also a fucking fantastic composer and doesn't get enough hype for it
  • when auditioning people for drums before andy joined he kicked out a racist dude who asked "what is he" about pete

  • gotta mention the story pete tells about them meeting. the argyle sweater <3 i love loser men
  • he's super smart but forgets his own birth month on live tv... sighs dreamily
  • such a huge mj fan that he learned how to dance from him lmfao

  • he was SO HOT IN YBC GOOD LORRRDDDDDD. if he was in the ybc getup now with his current look i think i'd actually die. plus for a guy that "couldn't take a single scene seriously" some of the expressions he pulls in that thing are heartbreaking

  • the few instances of him being publicly wasted/drunk he was reportedly really funny and touchy feely which is nice to hear as a guy who has had to deal with a lot of bad drunks/alcoholics in my family

  • he's got a FAT ass DAMN THIS MAN IS THICK
  • he calls the fob fandom "the kids" :,)
  • when he was active on twitter he was always super graceful with his replies to fans even if they were rude, and he would take the time to message fans back too. he once sent someone a borderline essay for accidentally following and unfollowing them

i have WAYYYYY too many pictures for a blog post, so im probably gonna post the rest on tumblr at some point. imma have to make a whole new blog for this lmfao. hope you enjoyed all the fun facts and whatnot. i don't normally post things like this but this is kind of what myspace was originally made for, right? well other than promoting music, i guess. trying to live the most authentically on heyspace as i can.


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