✦﹒ASTRO !! ☆ « ❜'s profile picture

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Category: Life

how im doing // Life Blog

Hi! I don't think ive posted a blog in a while so just wanted to post a quick thingy about my life and stuff. Some people aren't a fan of long rants and probably wont read this the whole way through (or at all) but ranting gets stuff off my chest so I DONT CARE AHAHA /j


Ive been figuring myself out more! If you asked me to describe myself, I would give you nothing because I was rlly struggling to figure out who I was, but ive got it all down now. Ive come to the realization that im more of an quiet, introverted person. Well, quiet depends on who i'm with but introvert all the time! Im not really a fan of it though because when im with a lot of people and everyones having fun im just in the corner doing my own thing, and I don't want to look boring to people but sadly thats just what I am ;( and when i try to include myself i just end up acting weird, so ig its just better if i was myself (hopefully thats what people perfer)

Love Life

My love life is as shitty as ever, nothing really changed. I've never really been able to describe my "type" until now. I guess im just into people who's a clone of me basically lol! a kind, introverted artist who listens to the same music as i, but my school doesn't really have any of that and online dating is NOT my thing. I fall in love too easily with people and I keep chasing this dude who probably doesn't think the same way I do, getting over people is hard for me cuz im an overthinker and just always throw the best-case scenario in my head so I can just keep chasing.


Im supposed to be moving to Texas this year during the summer! Pretty bummed out cuz ive been living in florida all my life and all my friends and family live here, so its gonna be tough to go. But im gonna be moving into a big house and me and my mom have always dreamed of that so that im excited for :) and ive been wanting to give my room a huge makeover because i HATEE my current room so im waiting on that


My school life isint great. Im failing most of my classes and my mom took away my devices for who knows how long, im actually writing this on my school computer LOL. I used to be in honor roll in elementary, but middle school really changed me, I barely feel like doing shit anymore. Hoping my grades go up so I dont go to summer school because i neeed that break! I have great friends though, so it makes my day better.

Thats really all thats been going on in my life, nothing much really. i might update my page as i havent for a while, but ill keep the layout cuz ive been in love with it always <3 

till next blog, stay awesome! ☆ ☆ ☆

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