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Our Flag Means Death + Fanfiction Recs

Our Flag Means Death

Temporada/Season 1 Trailer

Temporada/Season 2 Trailer

Stede Bonnet, un aristócrata con un carácter suave e ingenuo, tiene un sólo sueño: convertirse en el mejor pirata que el mundo ha visto. Sin embargo, tiene un pequeño problema: él es pésimo siendo uno. Junto a su tripulación y barco "The Revenge", intentará ser un pirata sanguinario, siempre fallando en el intento. Hasta que un día cruza caminos con nada más y nada menos que el legendario Blackbeard, y juntos llegarán a un acuerdo: Blackbeard le enseñará cómo ser un pirata real y Stede le enseñará el estilo de vida de un aristócrata.

Juntos vivirán muchas aventuras. ¡Oh! ¡y se enamorarán también!


Stede Bonnet, an aristocrat with a gentle and naive character, has only one dream: to become the greatest pirate and the world has ever seen. However, he has a small problem: he's terrible at being one. Alongside his crew and ship "The Revenge", he will attempt to be a bloodthirsty pirate, always failing in the process. Until one day, he crosses paths with none than the legendary Blackbeard, and together they come to an agreement: Blackbeard will teach him how to be a real pirate, and Stede will teach him the lifestyle of an aristocrat.

Together, thet will have many adventures. Oh! And they will fall in love!

♡Formato: Serie/Series

♡Género: Comedia, romance, aventura/Comedy, romance, adventure

2 Temporadas (10 episodios primera temporada,  8 episodios segunda temporada)/(10 episodes in the first season, 8 episodes in the second season)

♡Keywords: Piratas, romance, queer, no binario, gay, lesbiana, poliamor, drag/Pirates, romance, queer, no binary, gay, lesbian, polyamorous, drag

♡Streaming: HBO Max,Amazon Prime Video (Suscripción Premium)

¿Por qué debería verla?

Why should I watch it?

Our Flag Means Death es una serie, que en mi opinión, tiene de las mejores representaciones queer que he visto. No sólo tiene como protagonistas a dos piratas gay que encuentran el amor en su adultez, no cayendo en el estereotipo de que el amor queer sólo ocurre en la adolescencia , sino que tiene una gran diversidad; 1 personaje no binario, poliamor, lesbianas, etc. Además, explora el drag y la masculinidad como algo sensible y no como el estereotipo duro y varonil de los piratas. Celebra el amor y el cariño en todas sus formas, y expresa la idea de que uno, junto a la gente que ama, puede formar una familia. 


Our Flag Means Death is a series that, in my opinion, features some of the best queer representations I have ever seen. Not only does it have two gay pirates as protagonists who find love in their adulthood, avoiding the stereotype that queer love only occurs in adolescence, but it also showcases great diversity, including a non-binary character, polyamory, lesbians, and more. Additionally, it explores drag and masculinity as something sensitive rather than adhering to the tough and masculine pirate stereotype. The series celebrates love and affection in all its forms, expressing the idea that one can form a family with the people they love.


we were warnings by mia_ugly (Archive of Our Own) +18
"Stede comes back. 

Ed does too. It just takes a little longer. "

guardians of a rare thing by ShowMeAHero (Archive of Our Own) +18
" "You,” Ed starts to interrupt him, then stops, clearing his throat. His voice is almost— gritting, cracking in the middle. When he starts again, he’s stronger, but still— shaky. “You made me this? I mean— You made this? For me?”

Stede’s not entirely sure what he means by that, but he has that little bubbling sensation he always gets when Ed is making him happy. It’s this simmering, glowing joy that always rises inside him, like it’s going to blow him up. He’s already smiling.

“I did,” Stede says. Ed sits up properly beside him, and Stede nudges his shoulder, jostles him a bit. “I thought you could use something a little bit soft. Besides me, you know.”

He’s expecting Ed to tease him in response, but instead, he doesn’t speak. He just keeps staring down at the blanket, clutched between his fingers.

or: five times stede did things for ed, and one time ed did something for stede."

a laughing matter y mxwicked (SpacemanSpiff7) (Archive of Our Own) +18
" “Now you’re—” Stede babbles, going absolutely pinkish. “You’re laughing again!”

Ed nods, still giggling. “I’m just—I’m sorry, it’s not because—”

“Am I doing something wrong?”

“Stede, darling,” Ed says, cupping Stede’s face. “Don’t be foolish. It’s because you’re doing something right.”

Or: Stede’s never laughed during sex before. Hell, he’s barely even smiled. So when Edward can’t stop giggling during their first time, he’s not really sure what to think."

2 Kudos


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✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙

✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙'s profile picture


(Ni siquiera hablo bien español, así que, por cierto, esto lo proporciona Google Translate)

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Hi!! Thank you so much for your comment!!️ It made me really happy to see that someone saw my blog. I LOOOOVE OFMD, I think it deserved better honestly, a third season would have been fantastic. Btw I will make a translation in english of my blog so that it may be easier for other people to read it! I will keep updating my blog and make more recomendations (Im thinking Hannibal, what we do in the shadows, good omens, jennifers body, etc.) if you'd like tp check it out sometime!

by Kuraela; ; Report


by ✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙; ; Report