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Category: Life

In case no one told you today...

Hey LUVS!! ;D

In case no one told you or reminded you today, you are worth it, keep going, and don't push yourself too hard!!

Life is going to have its ups and downs, and if right now ur in the "down era"... this too shall pass. Don't internalize it- you're doing great!! Maybe it didn't go as planned but everything will work out in the end- have trust in knowing this! 

Whether you made a bad decision, or whatnot, that's not reflective of who you are as a person it's ok! YOU GOT THIS!! ^-^

We all make mistakes anyhow, and even if it's your 3540580958 time making the same mistake remember what Snoop Dog said "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again." (JK i forgot who actually said that maybe Ben Franklin or Thomas Edison I'm pretty sure)

Don't think that you're deserving of any less- yeah it's true you might be ashamed of something or feel embarrassed and horrible- but hear me out... as I said earlier, the decisions that you make are not necessarily a reflection of you. Just because you made a "bad" decision- doesn't mean you're a "bad person". These are just decisions, and you can always choose better ones in the future when you get the chance. So cut yourself some slack, I mean look at just how far you've come in life!! That deserves a reward in itself. Don't beat urself up sm, and you gotta learn to forgive yourself. Not saying it's easy- but it's possible. No matter what you did, you don't have to let it weigh you down alright? (I mean unless you wanna be the next Mr.Olympia or something *shouout CBUM*) ok ok all jokes aside seriously tho- They don't define you. YOU truly know what type of person you are and what type/kind of person that you want to become. 

I may not know u but who cares?? I'm proud of you!!! Keep on going strong and trying to do your best in this world. You got this!!!! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

^ Be kind to yourself too ;P 

If ur hungry grab yourself a "snickers" bar- b/c you're not you when your hungry. 

Ok lemme stop with all my jokes lol XD 

Make sure to treat yourself and get some breaks/rest. You're doing great! Keep pushing! 

That's all for today's blog post ;)))

Bye guysss toodles xoxo muah ;3

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