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Skip To Loafer. Real time text reaction diary :3 (?)

Hello!! SO, I started watching this show and realized I shouldn't spam my friends with every single thing that goes through my head while watching. But who can I tell instead? That's right! The internet! I'll just use this post as a silly reaction diary of episode one for myself because I feel like it!  Final thoughts at the end of the entry! 

SO! First impression? LOVE the mood of the show, looks absolutely ADORABLE. The opening? BLEW ME AWAY WITH CUTENESS! And both the girl and the guy remind me of myself, getting sick of the crowd? Me. Going late to school, your friends call you, and you just say: "Well... I prob should go back home then since I'm already running late"? Something I genuinely have done before.


I don't usually found anime funny, but I found this hilarious. AND SO REAL. You get called out for wasting time? "Sorry teach, I was FIGHTING and SUFFERING in that bathroom" and you actually were just wasting time. 

HELP ME. SHE'S SO REAL;;;; HOW are we supposed to talk to strangers our age?! I already made friends back in elementary! I forgot how to make new ones!!!!! 


I LOVE their voices. Was continuing my watch and noticed how much I like the voices, it's all so cute.

Oh my god... they're both so real. I feel like right now they are my two moods. "It's just the entrance ceremony, who cares? life is ok. I'm ok." and freaking out about the entrance ceremony and suddenly speaking a bit rude and apologizing and just all over the place.


She's struggling to get there running. SHE'S SO real. 

Oh my GOD she's adorable. She's so strong spirited, I love her ;;;;;;; COME ON!!! DO YOUR BEST!!! IF IT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU IT'S WORTH RUNNING FOR!!!!

Jeez, I'm just 9 minutes in, I have to stop pausing to write. I just like writing down my feelings about everything!


I was also top of my class and got the highest note on my high school entrance exam, and I didn't get to do a speech. SMH. 

(Just had the need to throw that out there, considering how back then it felt like a great accomplishment and now I never get to mention it or CARE to mention it and just feel like I wasted my time and energy worrying about that since nobody cares or will ever care, and how I ruined my future in just a few years by being a lazy girl on the damned spectrum that can't handle school and cried every night because she had school the next day and just HAD to drop out of conventional education. Nobody will ever see me as smart again, turns out I'm not as smart as my parents always said, and that nobody even cares if I am smart or not. I'll never be admired or loved romantically, I never have been, and all a plan gets you is disappointment when you can't go through with it. And, even though it doesn't sound like it, I've made my peace with that. I'm only 16, so I know it's not the end of the world right now and that I can get new goals to follow and might even be loved romantically in the future but... I kind of gave up already. And I think that's okay. I just enjoy watching cute anime and talking to the few real friends I have, I'll do this for as long as I can and then.... I'm not sure. That's for future me to decide. 




She's so me I'm going to cry. She had enough courage to say something first and still couldn't keep up a conversation and make a friend... GIRL ME TOO ToT Literally my first year of high school was like that, I tried to be confident and talk to everyone, and they were nice! But almost all of them could tell I just... wasn't in my domain. That I wasn't used to talking to people, and I ended up being perceived as a bit of a quiet loner. AGAIN. 


I REALLY hope Egashira Mika is gonna be a nice girl and be protag's real friend instead of the show going down the path of "Oh, she just did it to get closer to blonde guy!!" She's a redhead so I'm pretty sure she's gonna be relevant, so I just REALLY hope she'll be one of our protagonist's friends. I can't remember the opening, I'll probably know the answer by the time I watch episode 2 and see if she's on the opening.

The teacher seeming upset as if Mitsumi wasn't gesturing at her to get out of the way when she was going to puke, smh. (/lighthearted. I get why she's upset)


AWW I love her friend and her aunt! I love seeing people have good friends and family in shows.

HER FAMILY IS SO NICE TO SEE, I love this first episode. Everything is adorable. 

I'M CRYING. I LOVE ALL OF THEM SO MUCH. Blonde guy is being so cute too! She inspired him to try a bit harder oh my good ;;;;

She's really optimistic, and I love her for that.

Oh my lord, not being able to sleep and instead preparing your class introduction and making alternatives to choose from based on class mood... felt that. 

The lack of sleep is going to kill that poor girl. And it's going to kill me too. Good luck Mitsumi. 

Ok, the ending just confirmed to me that redhead girl is going to be a friend, thank god. 

SOOOO! First impressions are key! And my first impression of this show is a great one. I've watched some romance in my time, and usually just from the first episode I can find some things I don't like or that seem to be setting up an unhealthy relationship; thankfully, I can't see anything like that here and it doesn't seem like that type of show! I'm hoping the drama, if there's any, won't be all that... typical? I'm hoping there won't be major misunderstanding plots or stuff like that. I like how it seems lighthearted but it isn't... dumb. I don't expect this show to be a masterpiece, but I do have high expectations for it, I look forward to watching the rest of it! 

I probably won't post a blog entry per episode I watch and just write about the first and last episode, but this was really fun! I most definitely will do it again! Maybe in a way that isn't as messy and unplanned as this one.

If you got this far, WOW that's CRAZY that you did. I thank you for taking interest in my post enough to read my final thoughts!! Please do tell me about any other shows you recommend, any genre is okay! Thank youuu ^^

Bye bye!!! 

0 Kudos


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