miles.exe's profile picture

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Category: Life


hi people!! again from the school's computer >_<

how are you all doing?? i'm doing pretty good!!

i'm doing some lesson about laws of ohm... i still haven't learned since last year wtf it's about. lol

i'm also listening to music and like

AGHH i love music so much i'd die without it

today there's the DUMB ASS journal club and UGHHHH i can't wait to get home and do absolutely nothing eugh

anywayy today will be most likely boring as fuck because i have technology after this period and then 2 WHOLE ASS HOURS OF ITALIAN LITERATURE. but hey after that we have a blank period because the math teacher isn't here today..woohoo !

after that i'd technically have to attend religion class(?) but i'm atheist so i study alone...but i'm not allowed to listen to music AT ALL! it sucks ass..but hey i get to draw at least :3

aghhh thing is that right now i'm literally so bored...

oh and yesterday's test went like ASS. my classmates were SO pissed it's insane!! i was also pissed because the teacher said "oh the test will be about theory and it'll be easy!!" IT WASN'T???????? IT WAS SO FUCKING HARD BRO???????? dude. he even said "oh i won't make you take another test in case this goes badly because you don't deserve it, it was SO easy!!" SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY GOD.

anyways enough of me ranting the keyboard isn't so quiet

i might yap a bit more later but IDKKK

anywayy byee :D

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