Is this thing my parents (mom) do normal?

So, I got pocket money of 200čk/month (except my mom forgets like every third month, but lets say its an every month metter), which leaves me with 2400kč/year. I am totally not mad at that, thats amazing, the question is: is it normal I pay for stuff my parents should pay for, like guitar lessons that my mom wants me to take(1000kč/5 months) and school stuff like ice skating (50kč/each). So i dont have 2400 pocket money a year, but about 250kč a year. And I wouldn't question it if my brother had the same rules, but he doesn't. My parents pay for school everything, when he asks for money when he gies out he gets them etc. So yeah, is this normal stuff to do? Do/did your parents do this?

(2400kč = about 102$)

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I guess it really depends on several factors. I'd like to mention I have NEVER gotten an allowance, my parents have never given me money for anything, which is funnier because people act like Americans like me are rich lol

ANYWAYS, does your brother also get an allowance, and does he get as much as you? Does he DO more than you (help around the house, have a job, have more classes, etc.) If he does more, it might be easy for your parents to give him more to support him.

If he has a higher allowance, then I would say it's unfair treatment and might have to do with favoritism.

However, age might also impact this. From my experience, the younger the sibling, the more spoiled they are. Older children know more and need less parental assistance.

Again, never experienced having an allowance so this is just my personal take.

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Thanks for answering!

Me and my brother are twins, we're both 13 and he doesn't close to nothing around the house (i mean it in a way he didnt do laundry once in his life and is mad when hes supposted to unload the doshawasher and just waits until someone else does it)

by TheEndOfMikyMelodic; ; Report

i could say that is favoritiism..
i was thinking: maybe she wants you to learn to manage your own money, but if yall are: the same age and neither of yall help with some house task, then it may be favoritism...

but i think asking your mother(if you guys have a good communication) could be the solution

by Baccara; ; Report

Thanks :]. I also thought she wants me to know how to.manage money, but if I'll be paying all the stuff i wont have any money to manage lol. Thanks!

by TheEndOfMikyMelodic; ; Report

this pocket money should be used to pay for things you want and your parenta should pay for things you need(basic things)

for example: if she makes you pay for guitar classes that **she** want you to do, thats somehow wrong, she could pay at least half of it

by Baccara; ; Report