why is spongebob more vibrant than before

holy SHIT

spongebob is more vibrant that before, fucking eyestrain scene spacehey page aah coloring nowadays

back in my day spongebob had normal coloring, but now they put the RGB always on 255https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/su69wu6gpgJZ-DqQCXGO8sbdqYmORt73-uc9PuTApsfw=/https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWZjOTQxNzEtMTk1ZS00ZWU4LWFlOGQtNWQ5MjhiYWM0YmNkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM1NTIzOTI1._V1_.jpg

THIS is modern spongebob. It hurts my eyes seeing it

why is it so vibrant? why? vibrant color keep kid attracted? is this how Nickelodeon thinks?

holy shit i sound like a deviant art user

anyways, this has been my modern spongebob rant, see you soon

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deploygirlfriend's profile picture

I don't know the psychology around it, I guess brighter = kid-friendlier? I mean, if SpongeBob was dull in modern days, younger kids would think it's bland.

Also the bright colours + how the episodes play out is absolute fucking brainrot. I haven't watched SpongeBob since 2018 due to how horrendous it is. And, no I'm not a "nostalgia person," I just can't keep up with the modern episodes and how my silly sponge boy is portrayed...

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