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Category: Life

hallucinations i've had

visual hallucinations

during an episode:

  • demon sitting in the corner of my room
  • shadow person standing at the foot of my bed (not sleep paralysis)
  • disfigured faces in mirrors/when i close my eyes to sleep

visual hallucinations from my chronic migraines:

visual aura (spots/zig-zags/flashes/dead zones/noise)

  • white/gray/black blobs in my vision
  • zig zags are like rainbow fractals that tear through my vision. kinda like when you hold up a magnet to an old CRT TV
  • bright white flashes that consume my vision for half a second
  • whole zones/sides of my vision that just disappear. like if your blind spot just started growing
  • horrible noise that is like tv static overlaying everything
aural hallucinations:

during an episode:
  • people whispering in the walls
  • sounds of heavy machinery clanging in the walls
  • random voices whispering "hey" in my ear trying to jumpscare me, especially when i'm trying to sleep
  • (every summer) the sound of really loud cicadas/crickets from outside, even though i no longer live in a place that has cicadas or crickets
  • occasional deafness and dull ringing tone in one ear (unilateral tinnitus)
  • high pitched ringing every day (general tinnitus)
  • people calling my name who are not there
  • random noise of two buzzing stunt magnets clacking together waking me from sleep
  • mains hum
  • distant sirens
olfactory hallucinations:

these happen randomly and i cant remember them all

  • sulfur, putrescence, burnt plastic/rubber/hair, iodine, metal/blood, ozone, pool chlorine, chlorine bleach, gasoline, acetone, flatulence, manure, urine, body odor, raw chicken, marijuana, mold, raw sewage
  • cookies, petrichor, rotting leaves, cut grass, popcorn, fresh laundry, ocean, restaurant food smell, soap, old books, wood chips, tea olive, honeysuckle, incense, cat fur
gustatory hallucinations:
  • rotting meat, blood, marijuana, bile
the worst ones have to be dead things because they fill up my nose/mouth. there's no way to get it out even if pinch my nose or try to smell something/eat something to cover it up. i get really nauseous

tactile/psychosomatic hallucinations:
  • ants crawling underneath my skin
  • phantom cuts that aren't there
  • numbness/tingling in my arms and legs
  • being unable to feel the cold even if my hands and feet are freezing
  • patches of skin on my leg feeling detached, like they are made of cloth

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