miles.exe's profile picture

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Category: Life

HAIII and sorryyyy :<

HI HIII !!! sorry for 0 updates yesterday !! i was caught up with some school and personal bs and i forgot to even say goodnight!! that was so unpolite of me sobs...sorry again :<

but hi hii!!! i'm on the school's computer ready to give more info!! soooo today i have a test and i'm preeeetty nervous about it :< it's about coding and i'm not THAT good at it !! java lowkey sucks :<

i prefer html and web coding anyway! it's way more fun! google here i comee >:3

soooo abt yesterday!! i played a bit of roblox (hahaha only fnb...i'm just SO obsessed with rhythm games,,,....

anyway!! i did my hw for today and it wasn't that bad as expected!! only thing is that i have a page of exercises for tomorrow sobs..but hey it's not that much blehh :P

the thumb is still a bit hurting but it feels so much better<!!! 

also this morning i helped one of the mean girls with her oral test in italian literature and i hope they like me at least a lil bit more,,, i want everyone to be friends with me!! trust me!! i'm tryinggg :(

tomorrow i have also to go to the journalism club too because these stupid dumb asses couldn't finish the site on time, now we have a LOAD and i mean A LOAD to do. and i get out at 5 only :(

ughhh so FRUSTRATING !!!!!

anywaysss,,, uhhh,,, ohh right i'm pretty much back into my sonic.exe phase (i hope)....i missed him sosososososo much!!

woah i typed a lot hahahaha

anywayyy i haven't been feeling really good lately as in a physical way... my nose is a bit stuffed and my stomach hurts more often than i saw some dots on my arm? idk what that says it could be allergies but i've been like this for quite some time...i just hope it's nothing too bad. i also noticed my migraines have gotten worse, to the point i can't eat, rest, sleep or even move at all. i'm a bit worried about that more than my possible allergy, so if anyone has any tips on how to deal with migraines please tell me.

so uhhhh yeah! that's pretty much it!! IF I REMEMBER,,,, i'll give a small update on today's test!! toodlessss <33 xoxoxo

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