am i in the wrong..?

so, i was in class yesterday with my friend...
recently, she found my spacehey account and said "stop watching loud incorrect buzzer tiktoks, its literally on your profile" ..i got really mad, so i picked up the teacher, melted her into an iron bar.. and beat her to death with it..

guys, i really dont wanna go to jail, and i dont know if im in the wrong!!!!

SEND HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so hard being such a sigma alpha with 83 discord kittens..

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fizzah's profile picture

not the asshole! they deserved it

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i know right!! i just hope i dont go to jail.. i dont really have a lawyer right now!

by julezsyy 🎸; ; Report

i will be ur lawyer dw

by fizzah; ; Report