I actually am really happy now, I'm doing a little bit better in school, I'm 3 months clean!! I'm so happy and proud of myself, I got a guitar, I got some cool clothes, I found my PTV short after 3 months lol, and my MCR shirt that I lost for 3 months, I'm moving into a new house soon, I got a bunch of new jewelry, I'm having alot of fun, my mom has been taking me out to eat alot, we went to Bedubs and they have the best cheesecake I've ever had!! I love cheesecake, they also had some really good strawberry lemonade, I'm watching daz games rn :3 and eating chip, I was thirsty but I want to save my monster for school, I got a cup of water, most of my clothes are in the storage unit, so I have been getting ✨creative✨ with my outfits, I got some really cute pants like OMGGG!!! Last night me and my family roasted Marshmellos, they were so yummy! :3 I've missed being on here lol, sorry I haven't been active XDD but I am glad I got back on and readjusted my account lollzies, well ill cyaaa!!!
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