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Category: Life

Average trans experence

He estado desde hace días pensando sobre algo bastante frustrante que me pasó. 

En San Valentín fuimos a comprar waffles con mis amigos, cuando hice el pedido di mi nombre social (Ángel), hasta ahí todo bien; lo malo fue que, cuando ya estaba listo el pedido, me llamaron cómo "Ángela" 

Sinceramente, no culpo a la chica que escribió el nombre, tanto mi voz como mi apariencia física es de todo menos masculina, (y estoy bastante acostumbrado a estas situaciones, me ha pasado muchísimas veces); pero me ha tenido pensando lo triste que es ser una persona trans en el clóset, no me siento cómodo en mi propia casa y, cuando por fin puedo tener algo de libertad, el mundo se esfuerza en darme un golpe de realidad. No sé, me desanima bastante :,P

Debería de acostumbrarme.

[ENG] (yaaa xd)

I have been thinking for days about something quite frustrating that happened to me. 

On Valentine's Day we went to buy waffles with my friends, when I placed the order I gave my social name (Angel), so far so good; the bad thing was that, when the order was ready, they called me as "Angela." 

Honestly, I don't blame the girl who wrote the name, both my voice and my physical appearance is anything but masculine, (and I'm quite used to these situations, it has happened to me many, many times); but it has had me thinking how sad it is to be a trans person in the closet, I don't feel comfortable in my own home and, when I can finally have some freedom, the world tries hard to give me a reality check. Idk, it gets me pretty discouraged :,P

I should get used to it.

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The⦻_'s profile picture

im really sorry that happened it never happened to me bc i never told anyone irl im trans but that sucks :[

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But seriously, thank you;; it's a very big problem I've had for a long time, I'm a bit more masculine now, or at least I'm trying haha.

by AngelYuxk !; ; Report