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Category: Blogging

Media For Those With Cranks and Wires

Hello Hello! This is my blog post for those who are curious to go into the depths of learning about the different types of media that portrays sentient computers and/or AI's. Most people might know some stuff from this list, but I've been wanting to compile a list like this as a sort of guide for those wanting to see more robots that are evil for the fun of it. Or not! Who knows ;-] This will also be updated as I watch more movies depicting this specific trope, so look out for that!


Portal 1-2 (2007-2011)

Buddy simulator 1984 (2021)

Will You Snail? (2022)

I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream (1995)

Inscryption (2021)

Ultrakill (2020, ongoing)

KinitoPET (2024)



Electric dreams (1984)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

TAU (2018)

WALL-E (2008)

Robocop (original trilogy) (1987-1993)

I Am Mother (2019)

WarGames (1983)



I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (1995)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Neuromancer (1984)

12 Kudos


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