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Ive been mildly considering moving to the US and A so i can experience the affordable home prices and have a giant fridge and also find like really cool clothes in thrift stores and like the really good takeout food ESPECIALLY mac and cheese in massive portions. also i will be able to wander the halls of a massive target and like buy the wierd freezer foods and like if im in LA then the whole being in LA will mean i can be a youtuber/ influencer and like people will want to hear about my trips to target and based opinions. 

also ive never been to the us and a but i just think from what ive seen on social media and everything that everyone is quite boring so like i can be both the most hated and coolest person there. also MIDWEST EMO MUSIC AND SEATTLE.

HOWEVER the whole gun crime rates thing and systematically corrupt thing is a bit of a turn off icl so maybe i wont but also MAC N CHEESE.

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badg3rb0y's profile picture

dont!!!!!! it sucks here!!!! if you are in any way a marginalized individual your life will be hell, you'll go into debt if you have a medical emergency, you'll go into debt if you want to go to school, we have fucking militarized checkpoints being implemented in major cities, just dont. theres a lot of beautiful things and people and places here but i would never ever ever move here if you do not absolutely have to.

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morgan_'s profile picture

honestly, it really depends on where you live; that makes a huge difference. i live in a state that's pretty liberal and it's the same for my university. i love where i currently am, there's a lot of queer people and a really cool music scene (but most of that is probably bc of the university). but id be willing to bet there are probably other cities and places like that, it's just a matter of finding them. every country def has its good and bad sides but everywhere u go there are def queer and alt people!

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deploygirlfriend's profile picture

I'm an American resident who lives in Texas—
Personally, I want to move to Sweden due to the conditions here. LGBT laws are becoming extremely strict, abortion laws are also concerning, the U.S. government uses its tax money to support it's military rather than the people (also why we have no free healthcare...)

I'm not sure where you got the affordable housing from, I've lived in either a trailer or an apartment for a majority of my life, I have never owned a house, and our apartment rent is about $1,500. Minimum wage here is about $12-$15, so if I made $14 an hour and I got paid weekly, I'd make $550 a week—
I spend around $120 on groceries, which is the average for 10 items. I have to go shopping weekly, pay for online subscriptions, its even more if I had children or pets. By yourself, with no company (including pets,) $14 an hour is livable...
But the moment you get into a wreck and break your leg, you likely won't have enough money saved up to pay for the $3,000 medical fee. A check-up for an animal is $500, not including shots.

You're gonna need to live with someone who works or makes more than you. Our minimum wage has been the same for over a decade, but prices in-stores keep raising. Back when I was 10, off-brand sodas were $0.83. Now, they're nearly $2.

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I got the affordable hosing thing just because i was leaning towards the UK's housing crisis atm, if you earn an average wage in the UK (34,963) u will likely never be able to afford a privately owned home due to the state of inflation and the increases in house prices increasing at a much higher rate than average wage increases over time. baisically atm the UK economy is in shambles, and the point you make about healthcare is very valid as we don't have the issue of paying for healthcare here, but that doesn't mean the quality of healthcare is any better, as the NHS is underfunded and workers are increasingly overworked and over-payed to the point where it is almost impossible to get a GP appointment.
LGBT laws here are okay, but definitley not to a standard that you or I would call acceptable, as trans people have to wait years just to be refered for an appointment where they will then be considered for gender affirming care at one of 8 NHS Gender dysphoria clinics in the whole of the UK.
IDK baisically the UK isnt better than the US??

by 9iirr1z; ; Report

Sounds like the UK and America are pretty much the same—
I'm not entirely sure about the quality of healthcare, I was never treated in a place outside of the US
HOWEVER, according to people who were from Canada that moved to the US, they have the same healthcare procedures, it's just Americans have to pay thousands of dollars. Both places have extremely long waiting lists though, it's just one's free, the other isn't...

Afaik, the economy everywhere is pretty shit- its nearly impossible to live on privately-owned land in the US
Also here, there's been many reports about police targetting transgender people, most states removed the privilege of children under 18 being allowed to get gender-affirming care at ALL, and it's slowly being targeted towards adults, too...
Not the safest place for trans people, coming from someone who's technically nonbinary :']

by deploygirlfriend; ; Report

I see a lot of media coverage on the issues in america and definitley agree that its appalling- on a side note you might like this documentary on the prison system on netflix called the 13th. I watched it a while back and i definitley recommend :))))))

by 9iirr1z; ; Report


Ippyhaj's profile picture

i wanna visit the us just to experience thrifting there, plus see some concerts :) ive never been but it sounds so interesting over there tbh. also target??? yes please that sounds so fun, its like big tesco

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