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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

What are some things I can add the my room to make it COOLER

My rooms pretty like...plain-ish. but its really small and i cant fit anything big like furniture and stuff like that. i need more things for my walls and little nik-naks i can put on my desk and dresser. I need some ideas :[[ 

(my rooms a mix if scene(mostly) and a grunge-ish style) 

(moneys not rlly an issue so its ok for me to get expensive-ish things but Id also like some DIY crafts I can do :DD)

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virtualdeluxe1999's profile picture

i also suffer from a pretty plain room, but my favorite things in my room that spice it up are CDs and a CD player, dolls (like monster high or bratz), displaying clothes i love outside of my closet (like on a shelf or bedpost or door hanger), and this is a bit odd but my pillowcases are a cute edgy print (pink leopard) which could extend to "use cool bedsheets/blankets" if you dont have fun ones already! X)

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OMG^^ THANK YOU i havnt been on here in a bit but thank you for the ideas >:3 (and my pillow cases and the other things(i forgor what they're called) are spaced themed and they're blue and green and I LOVE THEM<3)

by ScxmPuP; ; Report

mori 👤👾👁️‍🗨️

mori 👤👾👁️‍🗨️'s profile picture

not really an affordable option but when i feel like i have no confidence or that i'm "uncool" i often think about my handheld console collection. if you have a niche collection of any kind i recommend starting a pile somewhere deliberate like a shelf to display them.

and if it is affordable, then . go on ebay and get yourself an authentic and working ds >:)

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spottydogs's profile picture

Posters!! Also I see a lot of old scene kid content of them just sticking random shit to their walls. Pretty much everyone who's ever had a scene phase has already seen this girl's videos, but I'll link a few of her bedroom centered ones here anyway LOL. This is some OG scene content.

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յ𝖘յ𝖙𝕮օ𝖑Յ🔪⛓⚰'s profile picture

You can buy monster energy (if you can afford it) and use the empty cans for diy crafts or just collecting them and dysplaying them!! Thats what I usually do! And if you cant get monster energy then ask a friend if they drink it and ask them for their empy can!!

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I have a monster can wall :DD (its made up of cans i've collected the past 4 years :]) but I can totally do more types of crafts with the extras I have :>>

by ScxmPuP; ; Report

Yea, Ive been saving for abt a year now and I'm thinking about making a cool sniper rifle with my cans and maybe some small lamps

by յ𝖘յ𝖙𝕮օ𝖑Յ🔪⛓⚰; ; Report


deploygirlfriend's profile picture

I'm not the best when it comes to AESTHETICS, but from my personal experience living in the same room with someone who's very into grudge and bright coloured imagery (I'm also assuming you want to be a MAXIMALIST);

Lights, LED light- hang them up on your wall. Bonus if they're compatible with an app for your phone to make them light up different patterns! Super cute and could light up your whole room if you have enough (one strip was enough for my brother LOL)

LAVA LAMPS, not only are they nostalgic, but they're dope as shit. I personally think blues and pinks are the prettiest, but green might look cool in the dark! Oooo, aliennnsss

Your own stuff. Your own art, stickers, posters, whatever you can, pin it to your walls. Seriously, even photos of your favourite characters or cut-outs from a Miku poster give your room a lot more character.

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Ippyhaj's profile picture

for scene stuff you could make like candy style wall decor? and there are loads of tutorials for different crochet room decor you can do too. Ive also seen people doing cool stuff with old/scratched CDs and sometimes vinyl records. Plus printing off posters and putting them up everywhere always looks cool. I think lighting is what really elevates a room though, get some nice mood lamps with gentle lighting so that your room doesnt look super bright

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