10-15% of the world self reflects.. meaning 90% of the world never reflects on their actions to be wrong. Subsequently no growth!
I was shocked to find this out but not surprised. Its important to note reflection and accountability result in higher emotional maturity and big ego's derive from, well, lack of everything above.
Now don't quote my math but..
95% like to claim theyre self aware BUT with 196 countries with a 40 million population on average, thats less than 1 billion people who are ACTUALLY intellectually smarter GLOBALLY. Which to make it easier to grasp.. only around 5000 people in your country who are aware of what they say, do and think!
And to consider you most likely wont even meet 100 of those 5000 people is interesting but because of the internet its easier to find someone with the same "wavelength" as you.
Im assuming that could mean 10%-15% of the world is above average IQ too but i dont fully wanna credit IQ exams as theyre just a jist of your brain and cant follow your every life decision.
I would say i consider myself to be smarter than i think because were mostly surrounded by people who feel the need to minimize you and your abilities.. esp being neurodivergent you will tend to feel youre not as smart as you think. Besides that, its always better to be humble about it though.
Ironically, flexing how subjectively "smart" you are is an un-smart thing to do. We all have room to learn.
Side note - School systems are built off textbooks, to think in one way is to limit your brain. Dont minimize yourself to just your grade either because alot of A+ students may achieve high in class but not outside. On bad leaders.. who cant let go of their image in order to help their community is what the problem is, their arrogance is strong.
To me that doesnt make a lot of sense because helping others would make them look better but i guess thats the irony.. TT
Think about it, if a person in power was self aware.. i think the baggage that comes with being a leader would quite literally make them step down from power, considering they have to hear people opinions on their toughness daily.
in my opinion.. thats why we dont have any good leaders. Knowing they have to put another community on the line for their own community would be too heavy.
Thats just how i would assume they would feel, basing off my own experiences.
The con with this is.. understanding why people do things can make you invalidate your own reaction because youre only validating THEIR action. Knowing you can understand someone elses point of view does help admit youre wrong but its always good to know there is a BALANCE between the two.
In many cases i have admitted i was wrong... but sometimes that means it was a lot easier for me to be manipulated. Im not quite sure if thats just because i am autistic though.
A lot of people who arent self aware dont want to take any chances of being manipulated so that could answer why they will never admit to innocent mistakes.. admitting a flaw makes room for scrutiny.. not many can take constructive criticism (ignoring the fact the critics could be from those who wont admit wrong).
The truth is scary in a world full of lies. Trust your gut. Ignorance is bliss but ignoring when to take a new path is what leads to suffering.
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"The con with this is.. understanding why people do things can make you invalidate your own reaction because youre only validating THEIR action. Knowing you can understand someone elses point of view does help admit youre wrong but its always good to know there is a BALANCE between the two."
And that's where it becomes almost impossible (at least imho lol) to believe in the utopia of possible universal self-reflection
Because even for those who already use to self-reflect, there's always the danger of meeting someone who might, both on purpose or not, use the other person's ability to manipulate them into thinking whatever or forcing them to do something bad
Talking by experience, having OCD has *always* made me think i was the one being wrong in arguments or the one who was mistreating the other part of the relationship (be them either familiar, platonic or romantic). Beginning therapy i realized i should have never self-reflected this much, cause it was just giving fuel to the disorder and the possibility to others to manipulate my mind
So in conclusion you find me agreeing with you, and society as a whole would be completely different (and better) if everyone self-reflected enough. The statement "don't do to others anything you wouldn't like to receive" is literally something i've always thought about and idk why neurotypicals find this something so hard to follow.
Unluckily i still have to say that, when i very rarely get into arguments with people, i can assure you that sadly manipulation is always around the corner, and that's why therapy has taught me that in particular contexts being "egoistic" (like sometimes choosing to ignore invading questions from people, or taking some time for yourselves) doesn't always mean you're hurting somebody. That's when they should be the ones self-reflecting probably lol
also sorry for any mistakes english ain't my first language msfjewbn
by itrhld; ; Report
From where is this percentage cited?
It sounds believable, but hard to determine outside of a self-reported study.
this percentage is across various studies i found online but ofc its just an estimate.. i wouldnt take it set in stone, it may change
by yani <3; ; Report