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Category: Blogging

2/26/2024 monday

gonna start blogging daily (as much as we can, ofc!) and updating you all on stuff! soooo, yeah!!

today we go to school (again), but we're actually feeling super motivated to get stuff done! probs gonna speed through the final unit in algebra and finish the semester, then speed through the next semester works of our three courses we have so far!

2-4 more days until our pc arrives!! super excited for that, can't wait to get it set up!

our mother leaves the house on thursday morning for some work thing and gets home sunday, so we'll be dealing with our grandfather looking over us until she's back.. (he's not that bad, but he's not rlly the coolest, yk?)

we've been watching a bunch of "moving into my new house!!" and "cleaning/reorganizing my room!!" videos on yt and feel super motivated to get stuff done (mostly school work) and are even more excited for when we move out with our boyfriend (<3)!!

that's kinda it for now, if things pop up we'll make a bulletin for them! see you guys!!

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