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Category: Life

A Stress Free Birthday? How Suspicious

In all honesty, this birthday was the most stress free one I have had in YEARS.

Not only was I able to sleep in, which is (in my opinion) a necessity and not to be argued against anyway, I also had quite a pleasant time at my usual tattoo shop.

Was I there for a tattoo? No. But they celebrated their 7th anniversary on that day as well. Since I found that to be quite the funny coincidence, I thought "why not check it out?" even if it's just for an hour or so. 

I wanted to go get some cake anyway, so i would be practically passing by already. The cake was good, by the way. 

Their anniversary was quite the nice event. Pretty smart concept too. They hosted a meet and greet with their resident tattoo artists and some frequent guest artists. And every tattoo appointment made that day got a 7% discount (because it was their 7 year anniversary). I wasn't quite planning to get a new tattoo specifically but...now I'm gonna get my whole chest and shoulders covered in May. (which is good because that way I have some more time to financially prepare for it)

In my defense I HAVE been thinking of doing exactly that some time in the future but I wasn't set on it. My main problem was that making the appointment and having to contact the tattoo artists via text was too nerve wrecking for me. Even going up to them on Saturday, talking to them in person, was incredibly hard. I just don't know how to initiate this stuff, especially because I don't want to get on these peoples nerves or embarrass myself in front of them. I guess I just have a whole lot of respect for them? Hearing a bunch of horror stories about judgmental and rude artists doesn't help either, to be fair. I tend to be a bit ditzy (?) at times and my reactions as well as my thought process are a bit slow. I'm afraid they already see me as quite the stupid type after arranging the appointment...

Like, I did not understand that they gave me the tattoo studios E-Mail for Paypal, so I send the requested Info (which was supposed to identify my payment on Paypal of course) to the E-Mail address itself...God... Embarrassing.

At the very least Saturday was a good day for my ability to speak in general. Because I tend to stutter and not get a single coherent sentence out if my brain has a bad day. Especially in public settings... But I was able to talk normally with most people there. one Piercer played a big part in that though I assume, she is really good at conversation and knew me already. That way she opened a lot of conversations and set the tone / direction of them, which made it easier to follow along. And I actually made some new connections with people! A girl and a dude that I got to talking with kinda stuck with me for the time being (especially the girl because she was there alone as well so...blessed be! We were both nervous as well) so we exchanged contacts. It was surprisingly easy to talk to most guests/people there though, I did not expect that. 

Plus for the fact that I ended up sleeping until 5pm on Sunday (whoops...) and thus wasn't able to sleep that well the following night, I am surprisingly awake at work right now. MY coworkers even got me some small gifts for my B-day, how cute!

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Ippyhaj's profile picture

happy birthday! im glad your day was good :)

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Oh! Thank you! :D

by ♱Sunshine♱; ; Report