Death of Subculture

i think it's really interesting how recently people are much more into aesthetics than they are into subcultures. it definitely has something to do with social media, but specifically how short and fast it is compared to the beginning of the internet, which if youre on this site i assume is something youve noticed. if you even just think about old youtube for example, so much of it was personality based and the videos were longer, but now every social media site is trying to copy off tiktok and have as much stimulating content packaged into as little time as possible because its easier to get hooked on it for longer.

that specifically is what caused the rise of aesthetics and the death of subcultures imo. because in a 7 second tiktok video you dont get any nuance, which is why there seems to be so many posers nowadays; you only see what a person is wearing and none of the things associated with it that hold actual substance. so people tend to just wear the fashion and not have an idea of all the culture going on within it.

there's nothing wrong with experimenting with style, obviously, but i think it's worth analyzing the difference in mindset between now and a decade or two ago. its like people dont want to experience life itself fully and are substituting it with shein clothing that they'll wear for two months before throwing it out and moving on to the next thing, like they're acting something out instead of actually feeling it.

i hope that made any sense, and i could be totally wrong, so i'd love to hear any other input on this

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